Discover the Best Cardio for Weight Loss

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the number of Americans who are obese has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2010, obesity was classified as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, and it affected almost one-third of adult Americans. Reducing the number of calories consumed via food is one way to assist someone in losing weight. Exercise is another technique to burn additional calories which is widely considered the best cardio for weight loss.

Cardio is the greatest aerobic exercise for helping you lose weight more quickly and get benefits sooner. If you’re not a regular runner, don’t worry. There are several variations of high-intensity cardio that will all certainly raise your heart rate. We’ve covered the best cardio for weight loss, including a full gym, at-home, and sessions that call for specialized equipment. 

Cardio for Weight Loss

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio exercise, increases heart rate and calorie expenditure, which may aid in weight reduction The capacity of muscle cells to get oxygen from the circulatory system is increased during cardio activity. This means that less effort is required from the heart to pump blood towards the muscles. Cardio exercise helps prevent and manage heart disease and may aid in weight reduction when paired with strength training, such as lifting weights.

Related: What is VO2 Max?

Best Cardio for Weight Loss

Here are the 3 best cardio for weight loss that experts suggest to get you started.

Exercise 1: Vertical Jumps

The best way to do this:

Ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart. 

Maintain a straight back as you lower your body, pulling your hips back. Then, with your arms over your head, leap up. Softly land, then go right into the following squat.

Repetitions: Perform three sets of as many repetitions (5–10 reps) as you can in 45–60 seconds.

Exercise 2: Intervals of Running and Walking

The best way to do this:

Use a treadmill or locate an open route or trail.

Warm up for several minutes, then run hard for 30 to 60 seconds.

For recuperation, continue with a 60-second sprint or leisurely jog.

Repetition: Do these scheduled 15–20 minute intervals again.

Exercise 3: Sprints on a Stationary Bike

The best way to do this:

Set about five minutes to warm up at an average pace.

Pedal for 30 seconds at your fastest speed.

Take sixty seconds to recuperate more slowly.

Repetition: Spend 15 to 25 minutes repeating the intervals.

If you want to increase your oxygen level to improve your fitness, read this article about increasing your VO2 MAX.

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How Much Cardio Should I do a Day?

Every day, experts suggest engaging in moderate physical exercise for at least half an hour. Cardio should be done for at least ten minutes at a time, according to the World Health Organisation. This may be divided into sessions over a few days, such as three 50-minute sessions, two 1-hour sessions, or five 30-minute sessions.

Aim for no less than 3-4 hours of exercise every week if you’re attempting to reduce weight. Try to mix in some strength training sessions with your aerobic exercises each week for optimal results. 

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Possible Hazards to Take Into Account

Consult a physician before starting any exercise regimen. Some conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, and orthopedic issues, may warrant special consideration. An experienced personal trainer may assist you in modifying a program to work around limits for safe outcomes. Additionally, watch out for rapid weight loss.

Lastly, begin cautiously, warming up before doing any cardio, and gradually increase the intensity as your body adjusts. We caution against beginning an exercise regimen too hard too soon, as this might lead to burnout and overuse issues. Always listen to how you feel and keep an eye out for any unusual symptoms, such as dizziness, chest pain, and anything that seems out of the ordinary. In certain situations, get medical advice if required.

Advantages of Cardio for Health

Numerous other advantages of cardio exercise include decreased blood pressure, triglycerides (blood fat), and glucose levels (blood sugar).

Reduced Blood Pressure

Physical exercise greatly benefits the cardiovascular system. It enhances the activity of vascular endothelial cells, which regulate the movement of blood-borne chemicals and cells into adjacent tissues. Additionally, it promotes the growth of blood vessels, which reduces the heart rate during rest. Furthermore, research indicates that aerobic exercise may dramatically lower blood pressure in those with essential hypertension.

Decrease in Triglycerides

Cardiovascular activity also lowers blood triglycerides, a kind of fat. This is happens because exercise lowers the concentration of a protein known as ApoC3. Triglycerides rise in the blood when ApoC3 disables the enzyme that breaks them down. Consequently, reducing blood triglycerides by exercising may decrease the level of ApoC3.

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Wrap Up – Best Cardio for Weight Loss!

There are plenty of exercises that are considered the best cardio for weight loss for people who want to become healthy or attain or maintain a reasonable weight. A person must be conscious of their limitations and take care not to overextend oneself. Please see a doctor if you have any concerns about your workout routine. It is crucial to remember that maintaining a healthy weight and being well-nourished requires a balanced diet of whole foods and regular exercise. 

FAQ – Best Cardio for Weight Loss

To what extent can cardio aid in weight loss?

Cardio helps you lose weight by burning calories. The more you work out, the more calories you burn. If you’re attempting to lose weight, aim for at least 4 days a week of cardio, for a total of at least 4 hours.

What kind of cardio burns fat the most?

Running has been proven to burn more energy than any other aerobic exercise (650–1,000 calories per hour, depending on weight and effort levels). Whilst we’re big fans of running, it can cause high amounts of inflammation in the body and has a higher risk of injury or muscle soreness post exercise. So look to supplement your fitness routine with alternatives approaches to cardio as highlighted in this article.

Is exercise preferable to fasting?

Some studies implied that feeding state cardio marginally increases fat burning during a 24-hour period compared to fasting. However, this discovery does not suggest that feeding state cardio is a better way to lose fat.

Should you do cardio everyday?

No, you should not do cardio every day. It’s strongly recommended to have at least one or two rest days per week to allow your body to recover and prevent overtraining or injury.

What is the best cardio for fat loss?

The best cardio for fat loss is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT alternates short bursts of intense exercise with periods of lower-intensity recovery, which helps burn more calories in less time and keeps your metabolism elevated even after the workout.

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